A review by sireno8
The Annotated H.P. Lovecraft by H.P. Lovecraft


I had never read any Lovecraft but I have a good friend who is a big fan. Since I read scary books in October I asked him for recommendations and H.P. topped the list of course. I now see why. Lovecraft truly is a master. The stories are effecting on both a conscious and subconscious level. The scope of his imagination is tremendous. He's a master of set up so by the time you get to the meat of the story you will believe anything and crave bigger and bigger shocks. He is also amazingly deft at point of view--what you see, how you see it and what you don't see. This and his impressive arcanery add to his subject's authenticity and it all adds up to a totally thrilling creep show. Loved these stories and look forward to reading more.