A review by nwhyte
Doctor Who Unbound: A Storm of Angels by Geoffrey Bayldon, Marc Platt, Carole Ann Ford

"A Storm of Angels", is a double CD release bringing back Bayldon and Ford as the Doctor and Susan; the Doctor, having decided at the end of "Auld Mortality" to go travelling after all, has been busily changing history and runs into Sir Francis Drake in the middle of the asteroid belt. At first I wondered if there was really much merit in what seemed basically yer standard alternate history, without much apparent need for the Doctor's alternate history as well. But then I realised that Platt had cleverly built the plot around both endings to "Auld Mortality", even though they are contradictory; and it finishes rather nicely. As with all long stories (it is about as long in play time as a TV six-parter would have been, though split into only four parts on the CDs) it could probably have done with a bit less padding.