A review by nilaffle
Daughter of the Forest, by Juliet Marillier


This was my first foray into fantasy. I'd never cared for it in the past, and I don't even remember why I allowed my friend to foist this title on me that summer. It was so engrossing that I couldn't even put it down, even to sleep. I pretty much stayed awake until it was done... and then I started to read it again. I suppose it helps that it's a retelling of one of my favorite fairytales, but the way it was told was so new to me at the time, and Juliet Marillier is such a masterful storyteller. It's a title that rests in the back of my head as everything that is Good and Perfect in the fantasy genre. I read the next two books and they weren't quite as good (really didn't care for the second book in fact, the characters I really liked mostly died and the rest were pretty annoying), but when friends as me for fantasy recommendations, Daughter of the Forest is always near the top of my list.