A review by neurodivengeance
Best Lesbian Erotica of the Year: Volume 5 by Sinclair Sexsmith


Mostly great - really appreciated the amount of kink & power play in this & especially liked the pieces by Sinclair Sexsmith, Michelle Osgood, June Amelia Rose, Mary P. Burns, Kathleen P. Lamothe & K.J. Drake. The last story by Amy Butcher contains a really bizarre anti-autistic medical model reference though & that was a massive boner killer for me. Not bad enough for me not to give it a high rating overall coz the rest was so good, but can we not position autistics as incapable of feeling when we’re really not? K thx.

[edited to add] The good news is I reached out to Sinclair Sexsmith to share this feedback & they were super receptive & accountable, it’s legit the best apology I’ve ever received for anything. They’ve had this feedback from others too & taken lots of steps to prevent this kind of thing happening in future, which is great. Onwards and upwards :)