A review by punkrockgirlpa
Amazon Lily by Theresa Weir


I am a HUGE fan of Anne Frasier's work. So I figured what the hell I'd give her old romance works a whirl. I have read the orchard and adored it. I feel like I have a tiny small bit of insight into who she was before and after the loss of her husband from reading her romance and reading her work under Anne Frasier. So perhaps I just have a soft spot for this woman. I will say I am not always a fan of romance. Its usually a bit too cheesy for me...basically I'm like Ash. I'm a cynic but deep down probably a big softy. Were there problematic elements here and there in this? oh yeah! But I will admit I simply couldn't put it down. It was like a guilty pleasure I couldn't get enough of. What can I say once a storyteller, always a storyteller! I'm excited to read more of her romances in between anticipating her next new release! :)