A review by jothompson37
His by Brenda Rothert


With every book release, I’m proven time and time again that Brenda has the Midas touch. Whether it be hockey-themed romances, the Now series, or the elusive Lockhart brothers; it all turns to gold.

But HIS, is on its own level. Yessiree, this baby is not only platinum, but also diamond encrusted. Heck, I’m pretty sure that there are also laser beams emitting a choreographed light show at intermittent pulses. It’s that frikkin good.

Quinn, our heroine, is on the run with her baby sister, living on the streets. Andrew’s right hand man makes her an offer she can’t refuse – one night for $500. Imagine how far that would go to feeding them. Andrew is intrigued by this secretive homeless woman; she screams class, yet feeds herself from dumpsters.

I loved every minute of this book. You could feel Andrew slowly falling for her, and it was pretty refreshing to see a hero who, although he had built these walls around his heart, still gave in to the feeling 100%. It was fun to watch Quinn both crack his armor, and also give in to trusting someone herself. They both have their individual reasons to be apprehensive, but once those obstacles are handled, they are an even more explosive fighting force together.

My only wish was to have a bit more of Q&A. There was such an awesome build, that I wished there were a few more chapters with them. That’s not a bad thing though. Although I yearned for more Q&A, I think Brenda gave enough in the denouement for me to walk away, and still reflect on their love story for days and weeks to come, all while sporting a very wide grin. A seriously great talent to have for any storyteller!

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review (though seriously, that’s never a hardship with Brenda Rothert’s work)