A review by hrusewif
The Art of the Wasted Day by Patricia Hampl


It's basically just a biography, or maybe a memoir... Perhaps a journal? Honestly I'm not sure what on earth you'd call it, but I feel like it's none of the things you could. Whatever it is, it was boring- and I'd've expected something much better and more interesting from someone with the author's credentials.

Don't get me wrong. It wasn't horrible by any means. The author clearly has some skill in writing, and I've certainly read far worse. But the writing style can be summed up (in my opinion) as basically "dry-trying-to-be-a-dreamy-purple"; it was difficult to read, near impossible to focus on for more than two seconds, and the subject matter honestly wasn't all that interesting at all. Absolutely nothing about the book made me want to keep reading.

Regardless, she got at least one thing right: I sure wasted some time in my day. Unfortunately I'd rather have wasted it on something more interesting that didn't have the general vibe of being something predominantly meant for well-to-do white women to read while sipping Mai-Tai's at their country club.