A review by allison_reader
La Belle Sauvage by Philip Pullman


This started out really good but then petered off and I found it harder to sustain interest, hence taking a while to finish. The flood section of the novel had too many similar suspense moments with convenient saves punctuated by a couple random supernatural situations that just didn’t make sense as to why they were included. I guess this is a younger-leaning novel, but the Golden Compass was so well done it makes this in comparison a little disappointing. I still want to read the rest of the series, although I didn’t really get from this installment what the series is ultimately about (oh wait, Dust- but why?) - the majority of this story was about protecting Lyra from people who want to take her away and getting her to Jordan College (where we find her at the beginning of the Golden Compass). Hopefully the next book will be more involved, detailed and answer some of the questions hanging from this book.