A review by katereads2much
By Night #1 by John Allison, Christine Larsen


I love, love, love Giant Days, and I've been following that series for quite some time. I haven't tried "Bad Machinery" yet, but it's on my list. Still, when the "By Night" popped up on my radar, I was curious. Then the first issue was on sale on Amazon/Comixology, so I thought, what the hell, I'll give it a whirl. Because they were like $0.99, I decided to get the first two issues. A lot of times it takes me a few issues in a series before I can decide whether or not I'm going to commit to it.

Even after having purchased them, it was a few more weeks before I actually picked them up. I decided to catch up on the comics I had of Giant Days and Lumberjanes before I tried By Night.

Man, am I glad I finally picked it up!

I enjoyed the first issue. It's quirky and fun, but the moment that my heart really connected to it was the moment that Barney's thought bubble about his struggles came up (which was about two pages in). I felt so connected to both Jane and Barney at that moment that I knew I would be reading more.

The mystery is set, and the adventures have begun. And I can't wait to see what comes next.