A review by _naanhanaa_
Beautiful World, Where Are You by Sally Rooney


The book was good for the most part. I like Sally Roony's writing and her exploration of human relationships.

However, at times, especially during the letters between the main characters, it felt the author utilized those as a journal for their own direct thoughts. Sometimes, these made sense to the characters but at others, it arguably felt a little detached. 

I also felt that the pregnancy reveal at the end came out of the left field.
I understand that Simon and Eileen knew each other since childhood but I think that it was too fast and unnecessary. (Plus I just have unresolved trauma so take this critique with a grain of salt... maybe even a few). 

The book also lost me a but towards the end. 

Otherwise, love it. My fav characters are Alice and Simon. See myself in Alice for sure.