A review by westernskynaida
Room by Emma Donoghue


I’m morbidly a fan of true crime. I had heard good things about this book and found a copy at a local thrift store. I knew the premise, but didn’t know what this would entail and honestly it didn’t disappoint

Room is in the perspective of Jack, who has just turned 5 and his whole life has only known Room. The first third of the book takes place in Room and their daily life. The rest of the book involves Ma and Jack learning about how to live in Outside after being in Room for so long.

Reading from the perspective of a five year old was so interesting and very well done. There were some points that I felt were a bit…older than he was supposed to be but I believe it was explained as a plot point that all he could do was learn and that’s why he’s able to think that way.

All in all, I think this was very good. Please read the content warnings prior to reading because it’s rough…I think some of the parts of the book I forgot to breathe because I was SO invested

Now to watch the movie