A review by km_allan
The Tree Of Rebels by Chantelle Atkins


First time reading a novel by Chantelle Atkins and I was not disappointed. The Tree of Rebels is set in a dystopian future where descendants of the survivors of the war to end all wars live the kind of life that heralds back to a simpler time. There is no violence, electricity or guns and everyone has a job, food, and shelter. Why anyone would want something different is at the core of the story when Lissie Turner finds an apple tree growing outside of the fence that surrounds her perfect little world. Food is not supposed to grow outside of the domes run by the government that provides food to the people, and the appearance of the tree sets Lissie on a path that has her questioning everything. Chantelle weaves an intriguing story that has you questioning, like Lissie, if you're safer living with the status quo, or rebelling against it. My only gripe with the book is that it takes a long time to get to the most interesting parts of the story, which is when Lissie finally breaks free from her confined world and finds out what is on the other side of the fence. I didn't know this was the start of a series when I read it, so when I saw that I only had twenty minutes left in the ebook and the story was nowhere near resolved, I knew there must be more. I will be looking forward to reading the sequel when it's released, and to reading other books by Chantelle Atkins.