A review by samanatha
His Boy by Dean Cole



This is a hard review to write given that I found the book to be okay. I think I am feeling disappointed with it. The copy of [b:His Boy|39778740|His Boy|Dean Cole|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1523143644s/39778740.jpg|61481534] on my Kindle has the title His Boy: A Gay Romantic Comedy. That's what I thought I was getting. This is barely a romance novel and I did not find it to be particularly funny. I could see where His Boy tried to be funny (outlandish drama and absurd decisions by the main character), but it felt trite and even annoying in these attempts. What the book ended up being was a coming-of-age for someone who clearly lost themselves and their way.
The premise is that Charlie has stormed out of his boyfriend's home, with only the slippers on his feet, and driven into the countryside where his car breaks down (likely in the rain, but I cannot remember for sure). There he meets the man who will be his hero, Nathan, who invites him into his home and proceeds to take care of him. Charlie proceeds to use Nathan repeatedly with little to no thanks or apology - merely excuses for having had a hard life.
I struggled throughout reading this to understand why Nathan would help Charlie. Repeatedly. Through some fairly obscene crazy moments. And I came up with nothing. The men who love Charlie trope seemed so forced and absurd that I kept having to put the book down.
Now that I have finished, I am trying to understand what I liked. This was always about Charlie's path to self-understanding and resolution from the pains of the past. (Do you see why I found this not that funny?) I guess I wanted to know what would happen with Charlie's dream of being an actor. I hoped to figure out why Nathan was so drawn to him. And there are moments where Charlie has to deal with his parents that seemed well done. Plus, I had paid for this and it needed to be read as a result.
So, it was a good effort.
This was a right priced Kindle read.

Happy Reading.