A review by minniequinnie
Certain Girls by Jennifer Weiner


I struggled with this book, as a book itself it wasn't bad. But as a sequel it was terrible. Cannie isn't even sort of the same character I fell in love with in Good in Bed. The spunky, lovable character turned into a pathetic mess whose only concern was smothering her daughter and pretending she doesn't exist. Her daughter was also insufferable, clearly written as more of an idea of a 13 year old and not realistic to any actual 13 year old. Hating her mother solely because she had big boobs or said I love you, I understand teen angst (we've all been there) but this went to an unrealistic level. The book was slow, and almost impossible to get through. I only finished it out of curiosity if it would get better, spoiler it didn't. The end is needlessly depressing and makes no sense, just give Cannie a happy ending.