A review by ccaterer
The Flint Heart by John Paterson, Katherine Paterson


For those who think a Katherine Paterson book will be like the breathtaking [b:Bridge to Terabithia|2839|Bridge to Terabithia|Katherine Paterson|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1327880087s/2839.jpg|2237401], this book will disappoint. That's not to say it isn't a great book, but The Flint Heart is just a straight-ahead, middle-grade fantasy, and a very fun one at that. John Rocco's brilliant illustrations come frequently and are pleasingly large and colorful (no black and whites here!). The story is based firmly in the land of faeries and talking animals, and surely yours truly is no one to scoff at that. The Flint Heart itself is an ancient stone heart that corrupts whoever wears it, and it's hero Charles's job to take it wherever it can do no harm. Fun characters like the Fairy King and the Jacky Toads make this a real joy to read.