A review by jbmorgan86
American War by Omar El Akkad


American War is one of those strange books where the setting is actually more interesting than the plot and the characters. The year is 2075. America is "engaged in a great civil war" . . . again. After several environmental disasters (including the state of Florida and much of the coasts of the other southern states being covered in rising sea levels), the federal government (in Columbus, Ohio) bans fossil fuels. When protestors protest outside of Fort Jackson in SC, a massacre occurs. In retaliation, a southern patriot assassinates the president.

The South is known as "The MAG" (Mississippi, Alabama, and Georgia). Most of Texas has been lost. The remainder of South Carolina is blighted with a plague.

Much of the west now belongs to Mexico. China seems to be a benevolent superpower. The countries of the Middle East have now had 5 Arab Springs and have formed the democratic Bouazizi Empire.

Into this world Omar El Akkad throws Sarat Chesnut. Growing up in the MAG, she is quickly hardened and becomes a warrior.

For a debut novel, this was fantastic. As I said, the setting in premise were very exciting. However, the pace was a bit slow and not much happened.

3.5 stars