A review by adventuresofaliterarynature
Wedding at Sea by Melissa Tagg


Oh where to even begin? I don’t know that I have words for how much I loved this book. I have been really distracted while reading lately but I read the last 40% in one sitting-75 minutes passing without me even realizing it, I just couldn’t put it down. I honestly don’t remember the last time I stayed up past my bedtime for a book but I was to engrossed to stop!
I have been waiting for Lilian and Wilder’s story since their very first interaction and I can confidently say that it exceeded my expectations! Their banter is so on point and perfectly timed and they way that goad each other is just immensely entertaining. But I also loved watching as their relationship morphed and they realized the feelings that were underneath the surface. It played out so naturally the way things just slowly shifted until they became the most important person in each other’s life. The romantic tension may have almost killed me at times but I absolutely loved the way it played out even if we had to wait for certain moments.
And even though the romance was engaging enough on its own the author upped the ante by hooking us with mystery’s to solve that I desperately needed the answers to! I couldn’t stop reading as more pieces of the puzzles fell into place and Tagg got in some good surprise moments at the end!
It was also fun to catch up with the other Muir family members and their significant others!
I’m a little sad to see this series end but the ending was so spectacular that it makes it a little easier, and I know I can come back to Muir Harbor for a visit whenever I need to!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are my own.