A review by blondeebeth
The Demon's Possession by Kiersten Fay


ARC received from the publisher through NetGalley in return for an honest review, thank you.

Sebastian and Analia were really great main characters and they were really nicely fleshed out with their motivations making sense. There were a few clichés but I honestly did not mind them and considering this book was written almost ten years ago, they probably weren't at the time. The side characters were interesting and I would like to continue this series to see how their stories pan out.
The love scenes in this book were fairly steamy and filled with passion. I like how some of the plot threads introduced were wrapped up and some of them were left hanging for the sequels.
The only real negative I had was after the main couple had got together I felt like there was a slight lull in the story before the ending. I look forward to reading more from this author. Thanks.