A review by nadibooks93
The Forgotten Garden, by Kate Morton


If I have to sum up how I felt reading the book in one word, it's tedious. Tedious because by chapter 14, I had already figured out the secret and that didn't bode well for me because it is such a long book. It didn't take much to figure out the secret, really.
SpoilerChapter 14 began with Eliza's childhood. We'd already been reading about the lives of Nell and Cassandra and their inner thoughts. How did we end up reading about Eliza's too? Why didn't the author start with Rose, who is supposedly Nell's mother? I caught on the fact that the author let slip that Eliza is more important than Rose.
The only reason it's getting a very weak three star is because the author writes beautifully and the fairy-tales would have been a five star on their own. The way the story was done, though, left much to be desired.

Here is a particular quote that I found memorable from this book:

“Memory is a cruel mistress with whom we all must learn to dance.”