A review by tatumoshea
Ominous: Book I by K.V. Rose


This is not a romance. KV Rose warns you right from the beginning, and yet I still fell so madly in love with these characters.
I never got around to writing a review for this series. I'm unsure if I just couldn't wrap my head around my emotions or if it was some form of gatekeeping. Whatever it was, I am now writing a review because I couldn't have this series on my page without one.
THIS BOOK IS NOT FOR EVERYONE! If you look at some of the books on my page and think this will be similar, DO NOT OPEN THIS BOOK. Ominous is one of those stories I came across accidentally, and it's different from anything else I've read. It wasn't my introduction to dark romance, but it was certainly the book that changed my perspective on the genre. To me, this book is incredibly special, but there is a whole slew of TWs that will turn people away. So, tread carefully.

Eden Rain. Eden, Eden, Eden. She's in my top FMC of all time. She's not a carbon copy of me, we're actually incredibly different people, but there was something about her that spoke so clearly to me. The journey she goes on mentally is so similar to some of the things I felt in my final year of high school. Her thoughts aren't sugar-coated or glossed over. She's struggling with something and entering a life-changing relationship. Everything she does is so real to me. Like I don't know how I would react to someone acting the way she does in scenes or how someone else would react to me because I was ultimately struggling very similarly to her. She's just such a multilayered character that not everyone is going to like. FMCs will always get the short end when it comes to complaints about novels, but I can't even bring it in me to truly fault her for anything. I think the fact that she was alive and breathing at the end of the novel is an incredible feat on its own. There's an intense urge in me to just say she can do no wrong... but I will not because, honestly, I enjoy her doing wrong more than anything else. Oops.

Eli Addison. I read Ominous before I read Ecstacy because of the way I found the books. So, I'm not someone who had opinions on him from the first book or had any clue who he was. I loved him early on, and he was one of the first characters with ASPD that I had read about. I think I struggle sometimes with actually understanding that just based on the people I've been surrounded by in my life. I don't truly understand what it's like to interact with someone like Eli, so I'd be sitting there wishing he would just do something or say something to Eden, but then I'd have to constantly remind myself that is not within his character, he would never do that. I think with my limited knowledge, KV created a really interesting character and does not try to villainize ASPD in any way. It's very clear that she loves Eli. I love Eli. I think everyone loves Eli. In some books, I tend to get bored during MMCs POV chapters. I'm such a female-driven story girl, but in this book, it really would never work without hearing his side of the story. Without knowing how he operates. His home life, his past with his mother, and even his feelings toward Eden. He's a very unique but special character.

Eden and Eli. Not a romance, but a tale of twisted love for sure. They are very special to me. They'll probably always exist somewhere in my head because I've never read a story like them before. I highly doubt I'll ever read a story like that again. KV Rose honestly created a beautiful story that I want to live in forever. I've said it a million times, but I'll say it again, this is not for everyone. But holy shit, was this story for me.