A review by angelahayes
EverMarked by AJ Eversley


4 Stars

EverMarked is the first book in The EverMarked Series by A.J Eversley. It is a young adult dystopian fantasy with sci-fi elements, action, adventure, suspense, romance, mystery, and so much more. This is the first book that I have read from A.J Eversley, so I really didn’t know what to expect from the story. But the cover drew me to the book and the blurb sealed the deal. I enjoyed the story, and even though it was a little slow at times and I didn’t fully connect with one of the two MC’s, I am invested enough to want to continue the series- as well as explore the “Watcher Trilogy” which is apparently set in the same ‘world’, only set much earlier in time- sounds intriguing.
Sienna is a Marked Kid, (and the whole concept behind that is incredibly original and interesting) who has spent her entire life in an orphanage. She dreams of being “free” and imagining what life will be like once she’s out. Fighting in the Underground is her means-to-an-end.
Jayla’s a watcher whose mission is to keep the city safe. But a threat has emerged, which will test them all. With the explosion rocking the city, Jayla is determined to track down the ones responsible. Discoveries are made, which places the Marked Kids in the middle of everything. What ensues makes for an interesting read.
Ending on a cliffhanger, I am intrigued by where this series is headed and what I might discover in the next book.

Thank you, A.J Eversley!