A review by heyhaley17
Burning Wild by Christine Feehan


When it comes to creating characters Feehan is more than a little skilled. The characters she creates are fantastic and she ensures that they are well developed thought the story builiding on to them throughout the entire book making them even better. Not only that but she even provides well rounding story time/builidng with other characters, intergrating them so completely into the story-- getting ready for when they have their own stories. Needless to say I loved the characters of Jake and Emma both were so intense yet emotional. They're story was trully amazing and it managed to continuously be entertaining and thrilling. I really enjoyed the differences in their backgrounds and how Jake's history of his far less than perfect childhood made him into the man he is but his lack of the ability to see the good that Emma does who despite having suffered a great deal herself is very kind and light. They are complete opposties yet they work to complete each other evening each other out creating a passionate dou. The addition of the children between them made the story that much better creating places that many stories don't seem to go, allowing for many more possibilites in the story line which worked to the books advantage. The thrills of found with in the book are very entertaning to keep you reading non stop. I loved reading how Emma handled the whole situation with Jake's family basically hunting them down.
I had forgotten how much I love this series by Feehan. It is well worth the read.