A review by muga
Nefertiti: The Book of the Dead, by Nick Drake


‘I am wary of the words “right” and “wrong”. We use them far too easily to judge things
which we have no competence to judge....

This is a historical mystery set in the 18th dynasty with Akhenaten as the pharaoh,the mystery being the disappearance of is very beautiful and famous wife, Nefertiti, before a great ceremony to unveil the new city of Akhenaten.
The writing in this book was absolutely breathtaking, I already knew it was written by a poet before I read about the author.The descriptions were very immersive and you could tell that the author went through a great effort and really did his research

I was a little disappointed with the story itself,the mystery was not engaging and the main character also our narrator was not very compelling ,I felt that the author was trying to fashion him after Sherlock Holmes, as a straight forward detective but did not quite pull it off.

The other thing was the modernity of some words that the author used like 'forensics' took me out of the story sometimes.
I also wish that the story ended the way it did in real life, we all know Nefertiti was never found after she disappeared and to me that would have been a more interesting avenue to explore.
All in all this story flitted from being interesting and fast to painfully boring and slow but I stuck it out and overall enjoyed it.