A review by sophiefrancoiselucie
The Gift by Cecelia Ahern


I love Cecelia Ahern. She just KNOWS how to give me all the feels. I usually read her books in a couple of days and close them with a big smile on my face, because life's so beautiful and full of surprises, you know. Well, let me tell you that The Gift is an exception to the rule. I actually read it quite quickly but I ended up with swollen eyes and a strong desire to spend the week to come in my bed, crying until my mum comes and sings me a sweet lullaby. Now, my mum's not here, I'm just alone with my tears and my dirty tissues scattered all over my bed. This is a wonderful book; of course the morality is not really subtle and you know what the main character needs to understand from the very beginning... but it's so beautifully done. And a small reminder from time to time can never do any harm, I reckon.