A review by mairimav
Deadly Class Volume 8: Never Go Back by Rick Remender


Ohhh fuck. What did I just read. Deadly class is a meticulously woven story so let me try to unpack that. First of all the art style. Vibrant, out there and graphic. From the depiction of Marcus's nightmares to the graphic violence to the more mundane scenes, it forces you to linger and pay attention to each individual frame. Next. Marcus's narration. We pick up right were we left off with the last volume. It's electric and gripping and helps you dive back right into the story. Next. We're back at King's Dominion baby. But this time things have changed. It's like they were expecting them. They anticipated them. And they're not outcasts anymore. Everything seems calculated in an unexpected manner. I don't know what is going on and I'm scared for what is to come. Also I love when Shanbam gets his ass kicked. Saya's and Maria's reunion especially when Saya was presumed to be dead....on another level. Next, the flashback to Marcus's first week in King's. When things were still sort of relatively normal. Unexpected but very welcome and made me realise how long we've come. Lastly, Victor's back story. No one is one dimensional not even the villain's and it helped round out the character. Well done Rick. I cannot wait to see how you will ruin me in vol 9. And I'll say thank you.