A review by aashkevr
So...I Survived the Zombie Apocalypse and All I Got Was This Podcast by Anthony Diecidue, Daniel Chabon, Korey Hunt, Alan Kupperberg, Chris W. Freeman, Rich Bonk, Andrew Mangum, Jerry Beck


I received an electronic copy of this graphic novel from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

2.5 stars

I don't really know what to think of this one.

The zombie apocalypse has happened, and Mara has survived. Her sanity? Less so.
The comic begins with Mara tending her garden and broadcasting a gardening podcast to the outside world. Readers quickly discover that she is lonely and a bit unbalanced.

This side of Mara - a horticulturist and plant enthusiast who is adorably upbeat - is pretty cute.

But the story takes a weird turn when a snakebite makes Mara leaves the comfort of her compound. She meets up with the zombies outside and learns that they aren't after her at all, but only males? It's an odd plot point that doesn't seem to have any explanation. Following this, Mara decides to try and join the female zombies. So that she can be less lonely.

Some gross shenanigans later (how does one become a zombie in this universe, by the way? Because Mara seems immune?) the zombies have rejected her, calling her ugly and stupid and nerd (really?). She has to deal with her isolation and loneliness, and is trying to comfort herself when the zombies put together a rather ingenious (for zombies) trap (with written notes and disguised mannequins and everything) to try and kill her. Even though earlier they weren't trying to kill her. It's all very confusing.
Following this, Mara decides to kill them all, because they were mean and wouldn't be her friend.

And there you have it.

I don't mind gore, but I do like a storyline. The art was pretty awesome, and the main character was adorable in the beginning, but there wasn't a lot of consistency or ... plot. As other reviewers have mentioned, the "action scenes" were stylistically different too. I feel this comic would have been improved by more content rather than just shtick. It was cute enough, and funny in its own way, but I think it is best for a niche audience and/or a particular mood.
If you're looking for something that makes "sense" or a concept with verisimilitude or rationality, don't expect it here. This is for mindless fun, zombie gore and simple humor. And an (arguably) hot and mentally unstable leading lady who doesn't wear a lot of clothes.