A review by ekp10
Dear America: Notes of an Undocumented Citizen by Jose Antonio Vargas


I really like this book! Jose was vulnerable in opening up his struggle growing up, and the things he had to do to reach his dream. While at the same time, he educates us on the US immigration system that has a longer history than we thought. The law and systems that were built to increase the already over-populated prison system by putting undocumented immigrants in jail.
There are a lot of facts and laws that I didn't know. And that's a position of privilege that people should acknowledge. People don't know because they don't HAVE to know, because their lives don't depend on it.
The journalist he is, he also includes the push back he's been receiving after he came out as Undocumented in 2011. There are always a lot of opinions on anything, but I think it matters more what he does with the power he has. His story is different than most, but everyone's story is always different than the next person. He has achieved something that he's "not supposed" to, yet he doesn't have the basic safety that every person should have and taken for granted. He used his situation to bring more awareness and to help other people. In the process, he has also lifted the generosity of the people around him. He's doing his best to help other people because of what his family and friends have shown him.

One of my favorite quote from his book that's a fundamental way of seeing what it means to exist within a country that you called your home, regardless of your status:
"Citizenship is showing up. Citizenship is using your voice while making sure you hear other people around you. Citizenship is how you live your life. Citizenship is resilience."