A review by rach
Tokyo Tarareba Girls, Vol. 6 by Akiko Higashimura


I’m starting to think Key might actually have these women’s best interests at heart, even though he goes about trying to “protect” them in just about the worst, cruelest ways. He finally gets poor Kaori away from Ryo, but only by telling her she’s not even his 2nd woman, she’s his third, and she should just run now. I feel so bad for Kaori - she was actually feeling a little hopeful when she thought she might’ve been pregnant, and able to have a baby with Ryo.

And then you have Key showing up on Hayasaka’s date with Rinko. No matter what his feelings for Rinko are (I still can’t figure that out), I think Key would’ve stayed out of it if he thought Hayasaka had genuine feelings for her, but it seems like Hayasaka just wants her for comfort? So maybe Key’s intrusion is his way of protecting her from getting used? It’s sort of sweet in a way.

And poor Koyuki. She keeps trying to cut it off with Maori, but he keeps pulling her further in and further down. She keeps crossing line after line she never thought she would, and now she’s at the point where she’s become someone she doesn’t even recognize. I hope this is rock bottom for her and she can finally really cut off contact.