A review by jksh5678
Sweet Sunshine by Jessica Prince


This is the first book from this author because it was recommended to me on Facebook (love those book groups!). I requested a theme of unrequited love and this book was one of them. Normally if I do not know an author I don't really give it a chance (going to stop doing that!). I am so glad I did, I really enjoyed this book!

I really like books set in a small town with a quirky heroine and an alpha male, normally I really like them in law enforcement and this fitted that to a "T." It was really sweet once Derrick realized being in love is not such a bad thing. It was sweet but still pretty hot once they finally got together! I loooove those alpha men! However I do need to be honest and say it was a bit painful to read through how much Chloe loved Derrick and it wasn't reciprocated... twice! And when he still went on another date with someone else, gah that was painful!

But all in all it was a great HEA, I've already downloaded 3 other books of hers so gotta get reading!