A review by awesometeefa
Two-Week Wait: an IVF story by Luke C Jackson


Two Week Wait: An IVF Story is a graphic novel about a couple, Conrad and Joanne, who met at university, fell in love and were inseperable ever since. As they grow comfortably in love, marriage, careers, and financial stability, they are ready to embark into another adventure together: parenthood!

What comes naturally for other people and their own family and friends is proven to be difficult for them. It turns out that the act of baby-making doesn't really make babies! Coming to term with their infertility, they decided that they need help in conceiving and started on their IVF journey. The story of Conrad and Jo take readers are on a ride through IVF processes with the whole package of medical, financial and emotional parts of it.
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This book is a raw, emotional and factual story of an IVF journey and it was written by a couple who went through the ordeal themselves. It feels very personal. I could connect with the first part of the story- you know, the coupling, being-in-love, usual married couple parts up til the deciding to get pregnant part. While I can't confess to deeply relate to IVF part of the story, I feel Conrad and Jo's pain because since I was a little girl, being a mom is one of the important things I want to be when I grow up. To imagine that being out of reach is heart-wrenching for me.

The illustrations are in hues of grey, black, orange and white - it's simple. To me it represents the sombre mood of going through infertility. While I wish there were more of Conrad and Jo's pregnancy journey, I understand that that will shift the focus on the real subject here; the IVF journey. Deeply moving, severely emotional, thoroughly factual, it's a must read for anyone age 21 and above. Even if you can't relate to it, it might remind you to have empathy for couples who are yet to be parents. Maybe they are trying, or maybe kids are not in their plan so we should just zip it