A review by sssnoo
Erasure, by Percival Everett


It’s hard to review a book where the reader - or readers in general - are the butt of the joke.

But I’ll give it a go...

Everett’s novel is a parody (satire?) of art. His use of language, metaphor, pun and other word art provides multiple layers to decipher. I think I missed quite a bit, but I also “got” some of the underlying messages.

Do you ever ponder what art is? Do you wonder why the “professional” critics love something that leaves you scratching your head? Do you get frustrated by the tropisms and stereotypes that make up a lot of the literary world? If any of these questions pass through your mind when considering a highly acclaimed novel, then you’ll probably enjoy Erasure.

I liked it a lot - but it also made me squirm some as I recognized myself in the readers he pokes fun of.

Thanks Mr Everett for holding up a mirror that sees the truth.

At least I “got” the meaning behind Stagg R. Leigh.