A review by bucolicbookshelf
Will Run For Doughnuts: The Montclair Bread Company Cookbook by Rachel Wyman


Warning - looking through this is going to make you hungry. Severely.

Life really does give us gifts sometimes, doesn’t it? I discovered and read this cookbook just as I was talking with my husband and teens about my desire to make apple cider doughnuts to celebrate Autumn and apples, and doughnuts of many varieties to celebrate carbs. Also, I wanted to read this because I grew up in NJ and lived there until 2008.

First - what a gorgeous cookbook this is. It’s beautiful, perfect white space interspersed with photos of glorious looking baked goods. Second - the recipes themselves. It’s rare that I find a cookbook where I want to make 90% of the offerings. This is one of those rare cookbooks.

October really just is the perfect time for a cookbook of baked good and I would definitely suggest this one if you like baking.

* Note to vegan friends - Most recipes look to be veganizeable (I know that’s not a word, but just go with it, okay?)

Thanks to Andrews McMeel Publishing and NetGalley for an eARC of this title. Opinions shared are influenced by nothing other than my reading experience.