A review by lah_reads
A Graveyard for Lunatics by Ray Bradbury


It took me a while to get through this one because I didn't finish it before NaNoWriMo started, so I pretty much didn't look at it at all in November. That said: I really enjoyed it. Especially getting glimpses of what Ray Harryhausen's studio must have looked like along with interactions between my favorite author and my favorite movie-magic artist (the narrator is Bradbury's fictionalized self, and Roy is Harryhausen, hands-down, no doubt. Apparently, not everyone knows they were best friends, but I'm a huge fan of both, so it made these two characters a little more magical to me). The story, itself, wasn't quite as enticing as DEATH IS A LONELY BUSINESS, but it was still an enjoyable read. I did predict a major part of it, but there was an important twist at the end that I did not anticipate at all. I have to admit that it's not my favorite Bradbury, but it's still a wonderful book.