A review by lahren
Summer Sons by Lee Mandelo

Did not finish book. Stopped at 31%.
I knew going into this book that being both a mystery and a paranormal horror — two genres I rarely enjoy — it would have to do something really spectacular to be a book I would end up liking. I decided to give it a chance anyway because of how often I've seen it compared to my love These Violent Delights, and while I can see some resemblances, I can already tell it's not going to be similar enough to win me over. It's reminding me a lot of the elements I didn't enjoy about The Raven Cycle, but while that series had characters I loved enough by to make up for being out of genre for me, the fact that every character in this book so far is unlikeable isn't compensating in the same way.

I'm notoriously awful at DNFing books, so making the decision to tap out on this one is incredibly brave of me.