A review by carissa15
Man Enough: Undefining My Masculinity by Justin Baldoni


I have finally finished this book!
I'm going to be completely honest. There were points within this book when I thought, I am not a man. Should I even be reading this book? Would Justin Baldoni WANT me to read this book? And then I read a part in which he said something along the lines of 'women can read it too'. (I'm not going to lie...I was too lazy to find the exact sentence).
Anyway, after questioning if I should even read it, I thought, "Justin Baldoni WROTE A BOOK!!!! I need to read it because he was the hot guy in 'Jane the Virgin'." After I finally calmed down, I realized that I didn't really care if he had a major role but that I wanted to learn more about this topic. I had never really understood the male mind and this was a wonderful insight into what goes on inside of a guy. This book was kind of slow at points but it was a necessary read. I learned a lot and I am so glad that I decided to follow through with reading this book. I hope it makes its way into the hands of many many MANY guys, and gals, and all humans. This book was really inspiring and I highly recommend reading it!