A review by danibeliveau
17776: What Football Will Look :like in the Future by Jon Bois


You click on a link to an SB Nation article titled, “What football will look like in the future,” and suddenly you’re in a mixed-media, 178th century speculative fiction about three conscious probes hurtling through space trying to understand what it means to be human. 17776 explores what people would do if they didn’t have to worry about aging, disease, or dying, and their lives could be completely safe, predictable, and dedicated to leisure. One of those answers is football, but not in the way that you think.

17776 is a beautiful, uniquely transformative experience, something that I continue to think about long after I've stopped reading. Jon Bois and SB Nation went out on a really weird creative limb for this story, and the internet is a better place because of it.

Because I'm like you, I kinda look at the big long life ahead of me that stretches out forever and disappears. And I get scared. And I think, "this can't be Heaven if I'm getting scared, right?"

And then I think, "maybe I am in Heaven, and Heaven is scary."