A review by mschlat
Skin Horse, Volume One by Shaenon K. Garrity, Jeffrey C. Wells


I had looked at the first couple of weeks of this webcomic years ago and kept on thinking "I need to read that sometime." Lo and behold, a local comics convention had a vendor with the first volume, so I picked it up (years too late) and now need to buy everything I can.

The set up is strange enough. Project Skin Horse is basically a welfare office for non-human sapients (think intelligent animals, robots, the undead, and a host of the unclassified). We follow Tip (a cross-dressing human psychologist), Sweetheart (an intelligent dog created by a mad Canadian scientist), and Unity (an all-to-ready-to-rumble zombie) as they help those creatures that cannot fit into normal society. Sometimes we follow them on cases, sometimes we follow them to dinner. Plots are convoluted and ridiculous (with a highlight being when Sweetheart decides to go on a monster rampage (by spilling coffee on a yard) and bears in trench coats attempt an intervention.) There are sapient silverfish who love opera and intelligent crystalline structures that can be thwarted by singing Madonna songs. The receptionist is a mustachioed steampunk robot from the 1800's. Everything is weird, and most everything is funny. It's clearly manga/anime influenced, but my closest readalike would be early [a:Phil Foglio|42122|Phil Foglio|https://s.gr-assets.com/assets/nophoto/user/m_50x66-82093808bca726cb3249a493fbd3bd0f.png].

If any of this sounds appealing, read the book. Most of its contents are beyond my ability to describe.