A review by novelheartbeat
Atoning by Kelley Armstrong


Back in Chloe's POV! Yaaaayyy!! After reading three books in Maya's POV, though, Chloe seems almost...meek. Despite the fact that I enjoyed the Darkest Powers waaay more than I enjoyed Darkness Rising, I have to admit that I like Maya better. *gasp* Atrocious, right? Okay, so maybe it's not that I like her better, I can just relate more to Maya. And she is pretty badass.

Still, it was amazing to get back into the world of Derek and Chloe! I have to say that I missed them. A lot. And now they're growing up...thinking about serious relationships, and college...squee! The only reason this got a higher rating than the rest of the series did is, well, BECAUSE DEREK. <3

It was interesting to see Rae again, and get a little insight into what's going on in her mind. Oh, and LIZ!

My only complaint about this one is that there was MORE running/thwarting adults. I feel like that's all the entire Darkness Rising series was about O_O

Also, I was kind of hoping there's be an appearance from the mentioned Pack near Syracuse, but oh well. Maybe in another spin-off, Kelley?