A review by juliwi
Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel


Has it ever happened to you that you read a book, love it, talk about it and then forget to review it? Yeah, same. That happened with Station Eleven and I'm beyond embarrassed since I was actually there when it won the Arthur C. Clarke Award for Best Fiction novel! But now that I've realized my tremendous error I am here to fix it! Thanks to Pan MacMillan and Netgalley for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

As I said above, I actually loved this book and hence it's ridiculous that I managed to forget to write a review for it. Perhaps one of the reasons was the enormous buzz that Mandel's book created for a while. You could see Station Eleven everywhere and seemingly everyone either had read it or was in the process of doing so. Hyped books are always at danger of being either made out to be better than they are (everyone is looking at you, Fifty Shades and Twilight) or getting ignored by many. When a book becomes too much of a hype people start not reading it simply for that very fact that it's already all around them. I was almost in the latter camp until a friend of mine convinced me to just give it a try. The fact that Shakespeare is in there as well is only a massive bonus, since who doesn't love Shakespeare?

Station Eleven is the book that changed my mind, and many others, about the post-apocalyptic genre. Mandel offers something new and interesting and does it masterly. I'd recommend this to fans of post-apocalyptic and non-linear novels. It may not be for everyone but it's a rewarding book!

For full review: http://universeinwords.blogspot.co.uk/2015/12/review-station-eleven-by-emily-st-john.html