A review by allerkins
The Flash: The Dastardly Death of the Rogues by Geoff Johns


Michael had this checked out from the library and we had just listened to an audio version of a Flash story on our road trip, so I thought I'd give this comic book a try. I felt a lot more confident approaching it because the audio story we listened to gave a really good background on the Flash, even though that was the Wally West Flash and this story is about Barry Allen. So I guess you could say I've been having fun learning about the Flash and I'm kind of into him right now. It helps that Michael has a ton of Flash apparel, which I love.

Anyway, I thought this story was pretty good. The Flash is a really cool character and I totally love how science is tied into the stories so well. I also like the mystery/detective aspects that come into play, because Barry Allen is a forensic scientist, which is awesome. However, I do think it is a bit of a tease because it dangled some mystery plots in front of me, and then the answers were kind of just given to you. I'd like to see the detective work played up a lot more. This could also be because I found a lot of the super villains a little laughable and some that were just plain silly. I haven't read a lot of superhero comics so I'm not sure if that is a normal thing, but it was one think that kept me from being super engaged in this story. But overall a fun read about a really cool character.