A review by scribesprite
Fake ID by Walter Sorrells


This book has a fairly high 3.5 but its just not quite a 4 for me. Heres why: I couldn't like the main girl, Chass, as much as I wanted to. Its not that she is a bad character, I like it that she seems to be above all the peer pressure and high school dramas but still she has some things that just bothered me. Chass isn't mean, just inconsiderate of others. She didn't think twice about how her actions would effect the people around her. She takes people for granted and she realizes that eventually so that was good. I also didn't like the all of the stereotypes that were put in, but I it didn't bother me too much and I can understand why they were there.

The mystery, I thought was good and I like the way it all turned out good in the end. There is a some action and close calls which I thought were great. Its a good enough read I guess. Its more of a "Yeah, you could read it." not a "Yeah! You should read it."