A review by anjumstar
Lessons From Madame Chic: The Top 20 Things I Learned While Living in Paris by Jennifer L. Scott


And today we have learned the danger of reading a published blog. You know, it's really my fault. I should have known going into this that I was going to read a book all about you, Mrs. Scott. My bad.

Yes, some good points were made, points that I will try to bring into my life. Things that I personally have always believed but maybe haven't been thinking about too much lately. Or things that I haven't ever had put into words like that. Those I am thankful for and will try to keep in mind more often.

Then there are some other things. Look, I'm glad that you want to be French so badly, Mrs. Scott. To each their own and if that's what makes you happy, then by all means do it. However, the French are not the end all to be all and not all Americans suck as much as you apparently did before your transformative experience. I guess I just wish that some of these ideas weren't presented with such gusto, as if they are the only way to live right. Because, frankly, many studies show that it's better to eat little meals throughout the day than three big ones, especially a big late dinner. Also, there are way too many lifestyles in which a capsule wardrobe just can't work--mine as an actor being one of them. Once again, I'm glad that these ideas worked for her but geez, have an open mind, why don't you?

Over all, it's not that I don't recommend this book because, in a way, I will. I read it with as open a mind as I could after an angering first chapter and I did glean some profound things from it. But I just don't want anyone reading this and gathering the sense that this lady has everything all figured out and then trying everything in this book, because they will not work for everyone. Pick and choose the things that resonate with you and only focus on those. That's why this rating is 2 stars; 4 stars for the parts I liked and 0 stars for the parts I hated. 2 seems to be a good average.

Also, I'm sure that not everyone in France is like that. It just isn't possible.