A review by zeydejd
The Memory of Earth by Orson Scott Card


Interesting beginning to this series. Card's books are always fast for me because they're just those sort of books - they're interesting, somewhat thrilling, Card knows how to write - that's for sure. What bothered me here though was that I found sooooo many typos. Not necessarily Card's fault, more of the editor's, but still. Also, it seemed that Card made things almost too easy. There would be a problem and Card would create some outrageous solution to fix it. The magnitude of the Oversoul's power seems absolutely ridiculous at times. It is just able to give the characters - especially Nafai - visions, answers for anything and everything. Also, the control of Basilica by women is odd in this novel. Not that women being in power is weird or anything, but the way it's portrayed almost seems... satirical. Only women have the vote. Only women can hold property in Basilica. Only they have the power to renew marriage contracts? Their powers are absurd and sexist. I was interested enough in the series to go on to the next book, but overall the novel was just okay.