A review by doloresofcourse
Dark Symphony by Christine Feehan


This book left me with several levels of disappointment. I read "The Scarletti Curse" (that I gave five stars) first which was helpful because "Dark Symphony" is about the Scarletti descendants and there are many references to what happened in that book. I just didn't care for Toni or Byron as main characters. There were some good scenes, but their relationship felt forced in order to push the story along.

Issues that ruined the story for me:

* There was no "meet cute". I was really looking forward to reading how Byron and Toni met. I was hoping for a "Phantom of the Opera" storyline and that didn't happen. Byron was already part of her life and they spent a lot of time together.

* Multiple plot lines were rehashes of "The Scarletti Curse". It felt like this book was a copy and paste from that with shape shifting werepanthers thrown in.

* So many characters. Why does this story need to have dozens of characters? I get that the Scarletti's are a big Italian family, but there were so many cousins and in-laws and servants and then Byron's people that I couldn't keep up outside of the main characters.