A review by erickibler4
Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln by Doris Kearns Goodwin


When you survey the political landscape of today, it's remarkable that such a man as Lincoln could even exist, let alone that he should rise to the Presidency in the hour of the country's greatest need. Setting aside the question of whether any Biblical or other religious figures actually existed, or whether they actually lived the lives and represented the things as portrayed, we know one thing: Abraham Lincoln was an actual man. Wise, empathetic, magnanimous, decisive, strong. A brilliant writer and speaker who could shepherd the country in the direction "the better angels of our nature" could take us. A comedian who could tell funny stories and entertain a roomful of people, or who could win over a hostile delegation of angry senators. A friend to individuals and to all humanity. A true humanitarian.

Doris Kearns Goodwin is to be commended. She brings Lincoln and his cabinet to life. I've never been so emotionally affected by a work of history or biography. I know in the coming days, I'm going to miss Lincoln. Maybe I'll tackle the longer biographies by his secretaries Nicolay & Hay, or the one by Sandburg. I need more Lincoln in my life! We all do!