A review by lilyelement
House of Night #1 by Karl Kerschl, Kristin Cast, Joëlle Jones, P.C. Cast, Kent Dalian


This review is based on a compilation (books 1-5) that I received from the publisher via NetGalley.

Zoey Redbird is a fledgling vampyre that enters the House of Night. The House of Night is a school for vampyre fledglings to learn about their powers and everything they will need to know once they make the Change. Fledglings are teen vampyres that have not made the Change into adult vampyres, for quite a few it is a fatal process.

The artwork is expressive and beautiful. I was a little taken aback when I looked at the cover of the book vs the actual characters in the story. There is a huge difference but do not get me wrong, the characters look great. Their faces are angular and defined and very expressive. The colors are beautiful and suit the scenes. I found the characters suited what I pictured as I read the story.

The graphic novel is separated into sections of each element (Earth, Air, Water, Fire, Spirit). Each has its own story though it is a continuous story. Each section shows a little back story that will help Zoey become a better leader (Freya, Boudicca's daughters, Circe, Cleopatra, Hippolyte and Herakles). There are the normal things you see with teenagers, angst, drama and cliques. The story line flows and you can easily read the entire book in one sitting without realizing how much you have read.

WARNING: There is a very graphic scene in part 2 that might not be suitable for children.