A review by jmanchester0
Batman: Detective Comics, Volume 7: Anarky by Benjamin Percy, Brian Buccellato, Francis Manapul


It's been a while since I've read Detective Comics, so I was excited to get back into them.

And it's fascinating that the current villain is Anarky!

But wait - is that Dick Grayson torturing someone? I know he's a spy now, but WTF? I guess I'll get more when I read Grayson.

The first story in the book was a standalone. And an interesting one. It went kind of fast - I was expecting it go longer. And Dick was, well, the biggest takeaway from this Batman story was this isn't your father's Dick Grayson.

While the art was fitting for the first story, I liked the art in the second even better. I thought the two-page spreads were especially well done. This was an interesting story. With Anarky and a little bit of background to the Mad Hatter.

This was followed up by Detective Comics: Endgame #1, which works okay as a one-shot, but it was annoying to find out that this played out in a larger story in other comics. Why would you put one piece of a story in a collections like this? Is this supposed to be like one of those action figure sets where each individual figure has a piece of an additional figure and you have to buy several of them to get the entire additional figure?

And then they did the same thing with Detective Comics: Futures End #1. I thought this was good as a standalone story, too. But I was frustrated to find out that there is a whole epic multi-part story of which this is only one small part.

As a whole, I liked reading it. But sticking 2 partial stories in here was a bit of a let-down.

Thanks to NetGalley and DC Comics for a copy in return for an honest review.