A review by daisycarstairs
Just Like in the Movies by Heidi Rice


Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing an arc of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Rating: 3.75 stars

I Loved how easy to read this book was, finding it very cute and enjoyable even if the pace did feel slightly slow at times. The movie references were a great addition, and I think any movie lover would appreciate this book.

I was disappointed with the lack of Rubys backstory, as whilst there was a lot learnt about Luke, not much was mentioned of her past. This showed in the characters, where it definitely felt as though Lukes character held more depth.

It felt as though the relationship between Luke and Ruby could’ve done with more of a build up, but I loved how the switching POV’s between the characters did enable you to see what both sides of the couple were thinking as their relationship progressed.

Maybe I'm just a sucker for the grumpy x sunshine trope, but overall I definitely found this an enjoyable contemporary romance!