A review by beansbookclub
From the Start by Katie Duggan


Wow. What a debut. From the Start is full of spice, yes--but it is chock full of so. much. more.

Readers watch as Nic launches herself onto a journey of self-discovery, by launching herself at Josh in the hopes that he'll help guide her along said journey. Together, the two explore the dynamics of pleasure, figuring out what Nic is comfortable with, what makes her tick--sexually, but also mentally and emotionally.

Nic, headstrong and independent and fresh off of an autism diagnosis, is a force to be reckoned with. Josh, kind and passionate and avoidant of falling in love, is a natural teacher.

Watching the two communicate in such a healthy manner, fill out sex surveys and open up with each other about matters of the heart, had me blushing and giggling like a schoolgirl.

As much as I loved Nic, Josh Henry...Katie Duggan has created the perfect book boyfriend. This man wanted to make sure that Nic felt fully comfortable at his apartment and in his presence as they explored each other's bodies and minds--and to do so, he stocked the fuc* up. Josh bought a weighted blanket for her to use when she was over, he made sure to always have chocolate oatmilk ready, he stocked his bathroom with lavendar scented bubble bath...SHALL I GO ON?

AND THE MOUTH ON THIS MAN? Josh's dirty talk had ME squirming. Phew. I'm sweating just remembering some of the things he said to Nic in their intimate moments.

All of that being said, this story was such a sweet exploration of what it means to be human, living the human experience, and learning all that that means. It was a story of two people opening up to each other, however tentatively at first, healing each other, and being there for the other unconditionally. It was so so sweet, and so so spicy, and I loved it. Thank you, Katie, for the ARC.

...He’s just Josh, the man who, since coming back into my life, only touches me like I’m worth handling with care.

"I think I'm going to kiss you now, Josh Henry." His breath hitches.
"Why?" I look back at him, meeting his soft blue eyes. "Because I'm safe."

"This is your journey, and even though it doesn't match what you expected, it doesn't mean it's wrong." He leans down and presses his forehead to mine, his eyes fluttering shut. "I'm simply grateful to witness it."
