A review by starcangel
Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo


Generic read, with tropes and some very big leaps in logic ...or magic. The turning point of the book, when secrets are revealed to Alina by Baghra, was the biggest wtf moment to me. It didnʻt make sense that Alina would suddenly believe anything Baghra said, even when it was explained why she was telling Alina all of this. She never showed Alina any interest outside of training her and chastising her for showing any semblance of emotion, so for her to flip and suddenly care for her well-being--and by extension, the well-being of the country--seemed to come completely out of left field.

Also the laws of magic are very loose, because the whole thing about amplifiers being able to control others went completely over my head.

And can I say the scene in the ultimate face-off where Alina cuts down one of the masts and Ivan calls out "THE CUT!!!!!!" was so cliched...it reminded me of the scene in the (horrible) The Last Airbender movie where Iroh "makes fire out of nothing!!!!!!!!!" *face palm* I mean thanks for the exposition, cuz I didnʻt know what was going on...but still....

But I will say this, this such an easy book to read and I got through it faster than I thought I would. So I guess part of it was enjoyable. But I think it had more to do with the writing; short, sweet, and to the point. No unnecessary exposition and describing of smells and touches and looks, that plagues YA. Thank you for that!